Szkoła Języków Obcych

Wtorek 21 stycznia 2025

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TOEFL - Test 1

Poniższe ćwiczenie sprawdza znajomość słownictwa na poziomie egzaminu TOEFLi stanowi przykład ćwiczenia z zakresu przygotowania do egzaminu TOEFL.

Uzupełnij luki wybierając odpowiedni wyraz z rozwijającej się listy wyrazów.

The system of that is now most widely used is a base-10 system with the following : each number from 1 to 10 as well as the powers of 10 (such as one hundred or one thousand) has a  name, and the names of the other numbers tend to be  of the names of the numbers from 1 to 10 and the powers of 10. In most Indo-European, Semitic, and Mongolian languages, the numerical systems have a decimal base and  at least approximately to this theoretical model. The almost universal adoption of the base-10 numerical system was undoubtedly  by the fact that humans have ten fingers,  people most likely first learned to count on their fingers the base-10 numerical systems are convenient for reasons of anatomy, they are not as mathematically practical as would be systems based on perhaps 11 or 12. Some mathematicians have suggested that a base-11 system would be preferable  a base-10 system because 11 is a prime number (and is thus divisible only by 1 and 11), while 10 is not a prime number (because it is divisible by 1,2,5,and 10);  have suggested that a base-12 system would be preferable to a base-10 system because 12 is divisible by more whole numbers (1,2,3,4,6,12) than is 10.

TOEFL - Test 2

Poniższe ćwiczenie sprawdza znajomość struktur gramatycznych na poziomie egzaminu TOEFL.

Uzupełnij luki wybierając jedną z czterech propozycji odpowiedzi z rozwijającej się listy wyrażeń.

1.  Mark or Sue has the book.
2. Both the children their parents enjoyed the game.
3. He was angry because his car start in the morning.
4. Joanna described what she at the conference the previous week.
5. By 1999, Steve to pursue a different career.
6. The bank yesterday by a masked man.
7. Each of the students a couple of questions already.
8. He thinks that his argument is more convincing than .
9. I need some from you.
10. We took a balloon flight over   African continent.

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Kurs języka angielskiego Warszawa

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