Szkoła Języków Obcych

Sobota 22 lutego 2025

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Angielski upper-intermediate - Test 1

Poniższe ćwiczenie sprawdza znajomość słownictwa na poziomie upper-intermediate!

Uzupełnij luki wybierając odpowiedni wyraz z rozwijającej się listy wyrazów.

The nightmare of population growth

One of the most urgent problems facing us now is the need to control population growth  people in the twenty first century stand a chance of survival.  the birth rate in developing countries has fallen, it continues to rise in poorer countries  better medical care. It is hard to understand the phenomenal growth that has taken place this century. Around the first century A.D there were  between 250 and 350 million people in the world.

Sixteen centuries later , the number had risen to only 500 million.  for more than three quarters of the time between Christ and the present day, world population  rose. Then, slowly the rise began. By 1900 it was 1500 million. Now it is 4,700 million. The increase in the past 65 years – less than the average life-time of an English person today - has equalled the entire increase in the previous 100, 000 years of human existence. , the rate of increase , now close to twenty per cent a decade, is still shooting up.

According to United Nations estimates, the population of the world will have risen to over 6,000 million by the end of the century.  the rate of increase is only seven percent a decade in western Europe, in many developing countries it is between twenty-five and thirty per cent.

, population control will be one of the biggest problems facing the twenty-first century.  all warning signs, too little is being done too late.


Angielski upper-intermediate - Test 2

Poniższe ćwiczenie sprawdza znajomość struktur gramatycznych na poziomie upper-intermediate!

Uzupełnij luki wybierając jedną z czterech odpowiedzi z rozwijającej się listy wyrażeń

1.She made her children their homework every evening. a) do b) to do c) studied d) to study 2.By the time she arrives, we  our homework. a) finish b) will have finished c) will finish d) were finished 3. Despite  hard, he failed the exam. a) he studied b) he has studied c) studying d) study 4.He has  in continuing the project. a) no interesting b) no interest c) not interest d) no interested 5. She told me the button. a) to not touch b) not touch c) not to touch d) that I don’t touch. 6.  I ‘m not going there. a) If he comes b) If he came c) If he were to come d) Unless he comes 7.Where are the Simpsons? - They  at home, because the lights are on. a) must b) can c) might d) should 8. Why are you so exhausted? - I tennis. a) have played b) have been playing c) have to play d) had been playing 9. She cheated in the exam. She wished she  it. a) had done b) didn’t do c) hadn’t done d) couldn’t do

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Szkoła Językowa Warszawa
Szkoła Angielskiego Warszawa
Kurs języka angielskiego Warszawa

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