Szkoła Języków Obcych

Sobota 29 marca 2025

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Czas to pieniądz!

CAE - Test 1

Poniższe ćwiczenie sprawdza znajomość słownictwa na poziomie CAE i stanowi przykład ćwiczenia z zakresu przygotowania do egzaminu CAE.

Uzupełnij luki wybierając odpowiedni wyraz z rozwijającej się listy wyrazów.

A team of experts has arrived in Venice to save it from increasing  of flooding. A controversial plan to construct a barrier with 79 gates, each weighing 300 tonnes, has been given permission to    ahead. Once constructed, this will be    whenever a high tide    to cover the city. Everyone has known for centuries that Venice is    further into the mud, but floods are becoming a regular nuisance. Rising sea levels have gradually    the salt marshes and mud-banks that   between the city and the Adriatic. Winter storms cause high waves, which are    the walls of the old palaces. But there are fears about how the   of such a barrier might affect the Venice lagoon, particularly the possibility that it could further    the flushing of the city’s waterways by the tide, making the famous foul-smelling canals even more   . To avoid making a bad situation even worse, the experts have been    to analyse tidal flows, marine plants and sediment deposits, and then suggest ways to prevent the city becoming the first high-profile   of global warming and rising sea levels. But with global warming    to add at least another half meter to the sea level this century, the situation is bound to   . A spokesman for the team said, ‘We cannot hope to stop Venice submerging eventually, but we can slow the whole    down and so enjoy the city for a while longer.’

CAE - Test 2

Poniższe ćwiczenie sprawdza znajomość struktur gramatycznych na poziomie CAE.

Uzupełnij luki wybierając jedną z czterech propozycji odpowiedzi z rozwijającej się listy wyrażeń.

1. I didn’t know you didn’t eat meat. You  earlier. I would have prepared something vegetarian then.
2. Children enjoy   to ghost stories, especially on Halloween night.
3. It is hard to believe! He has never produced   in his life.
4. Look what   ! This was the most precious vase in the house.
5. I am sorry but the manager is busy now. He   a new candidate for the job.
6.   I thought about it earlier, I would not have made such a stupid mistake.
7. My parents are going abroad tomorrow morning. I wish   .
8. To celebrate her birthday I    the table with a white cloth and brought a cake.
9. You    cleaned the kitchen. The maid was supposed to do that.
10. He has been in the army so he    up early in the morning.

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