Szkoła Języków Obcych

Sobota 22 lutego 2025

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Słownik e-DICT

Wpisz słowo (wyrażenie) polskie lub angielskie




I’ve been teaching English for almost 8 years. I really love this job. Helping people learn a new language and giving them a way to explore new cultures is extremely satisfying. I believe learning should be fun and try to apply this philosophy in my classes.

I hope I can help you discover that English is a beautiful language which can give you access to knowledge, entertainment and many wonderful cultures.

Native Speaker, born in Melbourne Australia, of Greek/Italian background.
First studied Music in Melbourne, and later  Florence Italy.I am a professionally trained Opera singer.
My second profession is that of  teaching English, which I enjoy very much.  Having studied at Monash University of Melbourne, I hold a certificate in Training & Assessment. 
My experience as a  professional singer has been of great value to me when  teaching English, as I believe learning to speak another language is much like learning music or how to play an instrument. Both are a form of self expression and at the same time should be fun and enjoyable.
So I welcome you to my conversation classes,where we will discuss many topics on various levels, and at the same time have the enjoyment of learning a new language.


I usually base my lessons using task-based learning including discussions about interesting 
topics, different activities to encourage students to use known English and to expand their vocabulary. 

I have taught students of many ages from children to adults, including employees at companies located 
in Warsaw. I have taught students at many levels from Pre-Intermediate up to Proficiency, including Business English 
and conversation classes.


Being really enthusiastic about sharing my interest in languages I started to do smaller sessions  for fellow students to help them out with their grammar and translation skills and I liked it so much that I decided to carry on with this towards a professional level to share the joys of languages with many people.


I am a native English teacher from Australia.

I have graduated from Ashwood University after completing Bachelor of Arts in Education.

I have also completed a TESOL Course which includes learning about different teaching methods
and which are most effective.

After completing both courses I have a strong background with teaching methodology.
I usually base my lessons using task-based learning including discussions about interesting
topics, different activities to encourage students to use known English and to expand their vocabulary.

I have taught students of many ages from children to adults, including employees at companies located
in Warsaw. I have taught students at many levels from Pre-Intermediate up to Proficiency, including Business English
and conversation classes.


LCCI FTBE Teaching Business English Certificate and CELTA Certificate in progress. Although I’m born Poland, I have lived in Canada most of my life. I have been working for TFLS since 2004. My specialty is conversation lessons. I’m social and communicative, so talking with me is easy and comfortable. I think that one the most important aspects of learning a language is talking, as usually that’s why people learn new languages; i.e. to communicate.


  •  “ Talk and You Will Learn.”
  •  “A little of English every day goes a long long way.”
  •  “English is Easy.”


A 4th year medical student at the Warsaw Medical University - English 

Division. Graduate of the R.S.B. High School in Dubai, U.A.E., where
he obtained an A* in GCSE English and straight As in all his A-level
examinations. Since moving to Warsaw three years ago he has taught
English privately at various levels (from beginner to advanced) and
had pupils of various ages (from primary school children to elderly
people). He has worked at TFLS since June 2006 as a native speaker
and has had courses with advanced groups and conversation classes
with groups at various levels.

"I greatly enjoy teaching English because I believe that one should
live like he was to die tomorrow, but learn as if he was to live
forever. This quote is obviously not mine, but Mahatma Gandhi's, but
i nevertheless extremely believe in it. For me teaching is extremely
enjoyable because you can actually see the fruits of your labor. In a
matter of weeks you can notice a profound difference in the level of
English of your students."

Opinie słuchaczy

Z moich doświadczeń z TFLS, mogę powiedzieć, że nauczyciele tam uczący to profesjonaliści. Lekcje są naprawdę ciekawe - nie sposób się nudzić. Na początku nawet nie wiedziałem, że moja lektorka jest Polką - nie słyszałem ani jednego słowa po polsku od niej. Poza tym świetna biblioteka, dostęp do internetu, filmy angielskie, świetny kontakt z nauczycielami - mają jakieś specjalistyczne dyplomy dla nauczycieli oprócz ukończenia anglistyki plus dużo bezpłatnych konwersacji z nativami.


Uczęszczam do TFLS od 2 lat, jestem teraz na 8 semestrze i uważam że poziom w tej szkole jest bardzo dobry! Osobiście lubię tam chodzić... bo wiem że to jedna z lepszych szkół!! Lekcje są ciekawe i dobrze prowadzone! No i te dodatkowe, darmowe konwersacje z nativami!


Wysoki poziom, świetni lektorzy, nativi (Angelo is the best!), klimat, system oceniania, wymagania i metody nauczania bardzo mi się podobają. Polecam, jeżeli chcecie się na prawdę uczyć, a nie obijać.


W TFLS uczę się od dwóch lat i wszystko o czym byłem zapewniany przy zapisie potwierdziło się. Dodatkowe, bezpłatne konwersacje z native speakers, korzystna cena kursów oraz miła i kompetentna obsługa stawiają TFLS na czele szkół językowych w Warszawie.


TFLS to świetna szkoła, która posiada doskonale wyszkoloną i wykwalifikowaną kadrę. Jestem na kursie ogólnym i z ogromną przyjemnością będę dalej kontynuować naukę w TFLS! Lekcje są bardzo ciekawe, ponieważ nauczyciele potrafią zainteresować przedmiotem. To sprawia, że z zajęć wynosi się bardzo dużo i w szybkim tempie czyni się postępy. A nauka angielskiego staje się po prostu czystą przyjemnością! Poza tym lekcje w takiej szkole bardzo pomagają maturzystom, którzy potem są świetnie przygotowani do egzaminów na filologię angielską(poziom nauczania w TFLS) jest nie byle jaki ! Można więc śmiało powiedzieć, że szkoła ta jest jak najbardziej godna polecenia.


Rejestracja na egzamin

zapisz się na egzamin

zapisz się na egzamin

6 dni do końca rejestracji

zapisz się na egzamin

12 dni do końca rejestracji

zapisz się na egzamin

Certyfikaty jakości

Szkoła Językowa Warszawa
Szkoła Angielskiego Warszawa
Kurs języka angielskiego Warszawa

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