Szkoła Języków Obcych

Niedziela 5 maja 2024

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English For Business (LCCI 2) - Test 1

Poniższe ćwiczenie sprawdza znajomość słownictwa na poziomie English For Business (LCCI 2) i stanowi przykład ćwiczenia z zakresu przygotowania do egzaminu English For Business (LCCI 2).

Uzupełnij luki wybierając odpowiedni wyraz z rozwijającej się listy wyrazów.

Gold is a measure of which is recognized all over the world. For centuries it was the foundation of the international monetary system and, today, it remains one of the most important components of a country’s foreign currency reserves. What gold attractive is that it has a value of its own for both industrial and ornamental purposes, paper bank notes, which are worthless themselves. As a result, gold is bought as an in times of financial uncertainty. Until the 1930s, several European currencies were based on the Gold Standard, which meant that the value of a of currency was fixed in of a stated quantity of gold. People could freely any bank notes they had for gold. In 1931, world-wide financial problems   the Gold Standard to be dropped. Then, in 1935, the USA, France and the UK   the price of gold at $35 an ounce, which remained the price until 1971. Because the demand for gold so fast, however, the price of gold for ornamental and industrial purposes was to rise. Today one ounce of gold costs $390 in London.

English For Business (LCCI 2) - Test 2

Poniższe ćwiczenie sprawdza znajomość struktur gramatycznych na poziomie English For Business (LCCI 2).

Uzupełnij luki wybierając jedną z czterech propozycji odpowiedzi z rozwijającej się listy wyrażeń.

1. I will see you when you ready.
2. The members of the committee disagreed the policy of the company.
3. The supervisor wants to see Ann before she .
4. The directors could neither agree protest against the decision of the members of the staff.
5. The data analysed at the moment.
6. The spokesman announced that the changes introduced two weeks before.
7. Henry is efficient an administrator.
8. We with Coca Cola for a couple of months only.
9. The product  since 1999.
10. If a company cannot meet  commitments, an Official Receiver might be appointed.

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zapisz się na egzamin

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