Szkoła Języków Obcych

Niedziela 19 maja 2024

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Matura rozszerzona - Test 1

Poniższe ćwiczenie sprawdza znajomość słownictwa na poziomie Matury Rozszerzonej i stanowi przykład ćwiczenia z zakresu przygotowania do egzaminu maturalnego na poziomie rozszerzonym.

Uzupełnij luki wybierając odpowiedni wyraz z rozwijającej się listy wyrazów.

Governments the world have little trouble finding new forms of taxation. taxes, taxes on inheritance and capital gains are   common. Nobody, however, has suggested that there should be a tax on men. Nobody, that is, until now. In her new book, Men Are Not Cost-Effective, American psychologist June Stephenson proposes just that. Men, she claims, disproportionate costs to society. The for this claim, according to Stephenson, is that men are responsible for almost all crimes in America. About 90 per cent of all prison and murderers are men, and men commit 74 per cent of white-collar crimes such as insider-dealing and fraud. Stephenson estimates that crime currently costs America approximately $300 billion a year. the present tax system, she says, women pay more than fair share of these costs. Men, she argues, should to pay the bill for their actions by being taxed more heavily. It is an interesting argument. It is also incomplete one, The Economist points out and asks:’But why pick on crime? (…) After all, it is only one example of a social cost.’

Matura rozszerzona - Test 2

Poniższe ćwiczenie sprawdza znajomość struktur gramatycznych na poziomie Matury Rozszerzonej.

Uzupełnij luki wybierając jedną z czterech propozycji odpowiedzi z rozwijającej się listy wyrażeń.

1. No sooner  the picnic than it began to rain.
2. You   me that you didn’t want to go.
3. I wish I    it earlier. Now I have to do it in a hurry.
4. If Sam    the job, he wouldn’t have financial problems now.
5. I wish you   shouting. The baby is sleeping.
6. The candidate    for over an hour now by the General Manager.
7. Not until we got off    that our wallets were missing.
8. I will help you organize the party providing you   me to.
9. Jack wishes he   get a better job next year.
10. Sam regrets   Kate what he saw behind the curtains at the theatre. Now she is scared to death.

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